Thursday, September 27, 2007

Tributes to Bill Gonillo

There are plenty of them out there this week. Thanks to Sean Patrick Bowley of The Post, who has kind of become the Archiver of All Things Bill. It's made it easier for me to try and enjoy my vacation. Which hasn't been easy this week, in what's supposed to be the happiest place in the world.

But Bill just this past Friday told me to have a great time down in Florida, told me he was jealous that I was going to get to see tonight's Yankees-Devil Rays game, and that he couldn't wait to hear about it when I got back.  Even though I told him I'd wear a Rays cap and t-shirt at The Trop!

Speaking of shirts, I got a Bill Gonillo story. And I was reminded of it when I saw this article by Chris Elsberry. Or to be precise, the photos by Christian Abraham. In them, Bill is wearing an FCIAC Football Blog t-shirt, a hand-made promo model that I made prior to the 2006 season.

I was handing a few out, and though I wasn't extremely proud of the black ones. The iron-on paper for dark shirts wasn't the greatest, and kind of gave it a look like it was an old patch your mom would use in the 70s or 60s to fix a hole in the knee of your favorate jeans.

I gave it to Bill at Fairfield Warde, when he stopped by the Mustangs' scrimmage with Bunnell and Staples. It was the last 2XL I had on me that day, and I figured he'd just toss it in a drawer.

"You want to give that shirt to me? Are you sure about that?" Bill asked me, all excited.

"Yeah, Bill, of course!" I replied.

"Wow, thanks Tim! I appreciate it! I'll be sure to wear it!" Bill said, like a kid you just got a B.B. gun on Christmas morning.

I'd see Bill around in his old Cowboys t-shirt or something and he'd tell me, "I love that t-shirt you gave me, I wear it all the time."

I'd kid him about what a horrible shirt I gave him, and how he should have burned it. When I showed up at the Central-Greenwich game in a flourescent green model, he was kidding me: "Boy, we're all lucky you didn't give me one of those. I'd look like a big tennis ball!"

So we'd talk about how News 12's Damian Andrew kidded me about how he'd vote in the poll again this season only if he got a t-shirt. I told him I had some to make up for some media members, and he said, "Make him look like a tennis ball!"

I cried again the other day when I saw the photo of Bill in that ugly hand-made t-shirt. To me, it was like going back to elementary school. And Father's Day would approach and you'd make something in class for your dad. And no matter how horrible or hideous it was, it would be worn or displayed with a badge of honor.

So thanks again, Bill, I'm glad you really loved that t-shirt. You wore it proud.

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