Thursday, October 4, 2007

Surgery: YOU Decide When I Do It

Remember my pain in the neck? It's much worse than I thought. Herniated the discs at C5 and C6. And C6 is so bad that it's pressing against the spinal cord, and there is no spinal fluid between the hernia and the spinal cord.

The neurosurgeon recommended surgery, but said I can try physical therapy to alleviate the pain -- though it won't fix the damaged discs. If anything it will help with my posture and stuff like that.

So I took the six-week physical therapy approach, with plans of getting the surgery done after Thanksgiving... But I forgot -- my wife is a retail manager, so she won't be able to take time off then for recovery. So I figured maybe after January 1.

Then I asked my brother-in-law, who had the surgery two years ago. He said "Get 'er Done" (Hey, he lives in Alabama!), but don't go swinging golf clubs the day before surgery:
"If surgery is inevitable, don't put it off. I did therapy for about two months that produced little relief. While I told you the bad in paragraph one [Don't play golf two days before like I did. I figured that they were going to fix it anyway, might as well swing away. That complicated the surgery in that they had to remove my ligaments.], let me say that the surgery was very successful. I have had stiffness from time to time, but nothing like pre-surgery."
So what should I do? I have physical therapy at 12:30 today, but I'm also thinking maybe next week I should just call the doctor and ask, "time and hospital?"

My concern is we're short-staffed at my day job and I don't want to leave them hanging with just a few week's notice. I'm also slacking on the blogs since coming back from vacation, but know you readers will (hopefully) give me a pass for a few days. And I don't want to interfere with my wife's schedule, though she said I have to do what I have to do.

So what do YOU all out there in the blogosphere think?

So when should I try and get this surgery on my neck done?
During the season
After the season
After the holidays
Free polls from

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