Friday, September 14, 2007

Listen To Sean: The Post's SWC Preview

Growing up, the Bridgeport Post's high school football preview was the biggest thing to me. Even though I played deep in the Stamford Advocate coverage area, I lived in the Post coverage area. So the New Canaan-Greenwich regular season game would get some serious column inches and a byline (which reminds me, you guys spelled my name wrong... twice! Got it right in the police blotter though!).

But the Connecticut Post's preview is still huge to me. Sean Patrick Bowley has to wrestle down, I don't know, 60 coaches to get them to do their prospectuses, juggle eight features -- either writing or assigning them, leaping tall buildings in a single bound, etc.

Then he has to shoot video, do podcasts (dude, he's on iTunes now!), go on radio shows (Hey, Sean, while I'm asking...)

So here, I bring you his SWC Preview, as well as his first podcast of 2007. This year, based on the file name, it looks like the post is doing it right, and will store these things. Last season was kinda frustrating, if you forgot to listen one week, it's like you ignored everything he said.

And while I'm at it, here's his Week 1 matchups.

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